What Are Zero Calorie Foods?
Zero calorie foods is just another term for products that have very few calories. These foods are usually super healthy and benefit many weight loss diets. Just remember that you won’t find any products with zero calories, since this is basically impossible.
A low calorie snack is great for people who want to satisfy their cravings. Hunger is the number one enemy that leads to weight gain, so curbing that with healthy snacks can aid your progress. There’s nothing better than feeding your body with the right nutrition.
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1. Apples
Low calorie fruits are probably the best snack to eat.
Apples only have 59 calories per 100g serving. This is low enough to be on your weight loss diet. Not only are they healthy, but they contain high amounts of water and fiber – two minerals that can help you lose stomach fat and keep it off long-term.
2. Apricots
Another excellent source of nutrients is apricots. In just 100 grams of this fruit, there are 48 calories. You can eat apricot slices for vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin E. They also have antioxidants that may help reduce fat cells in your body.
Try to munch on apricot throughout the day or pair it with sweet desserts. Getting the right vitamins and nutrients is always beneficial for losing weight.
3. Asparagus
One common low calorie vegetable is asparagus. This green leafy product only has 20 calories per 100g portion. You can simply combine it with other healthy foods like seafood, chicken, salmon, cheese, mushrooms, garlic, and tomatoes.
Asparagus has vitamins E, C, A, and K that maintain your blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes may especially benefit from this zero calorie food. Vitamin A, in particular, harnesses antioxidant properties that prevent damage to cells.
4. Beets
Beets have 43 calories per 100g serving – plenty for a quick snack. You can use this root vegetable in healthy roast dinners or soups. Some people might like to munch on beet slices throughout the day to satisfy their sweet tooth and sugar cravings.
Eating this low calorie food means you’ll get potassium, manganese, vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C. Iron is a mineral that supports the production of hemoglobin. You need plenty of this nutrient to prevent extreme fatigue that makes you feel weak.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli only has 39 calories per 100g portion. This makes it perfect for your low calorie meals. You can eat this in lunch salads or dinners that contain other vegetables.
There are many nutrients in broccoli, like calcium, potassium, zinc, fiber, and vitamin K. Fiber is especially important for helping food move efficiently through the body. Getting enough fiber can prevent constipation from irregular bowel movements.
6. Brussels Sprouts
A 100g serving of brussels sprouts contains 43 calories.
Even though they’re low in calories, they still offer plenty of nutrients like vitamin C, manganese, potassium, and selenium. Manganese is great for supporting connective tissue, bones, and hormones. Your body can’t function properly without this mineral.
7. Cabbage
There are 25 calories per 100g portion of cabbage. 92g of this food is just water, making it suitable for a weight loss diet. You need lots of water to flush out toxins and maintain functionality in the organs. Cabbage is a perfect way of increasing your water intake.
This vegetable is also packed with fiber, folate, potassium, and magnesium – essential minerals that help balance fluids in cells. Electrolytes are required to keep your body fully hydrated during and after high-intensity workouts.
8. Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe has 38 calories per 100g serving.
This type of melon can be both refreshing and sweet for your meals. It contains nutrients like vitamin K, calcium, vitamin C, and folate. You should always try to eat fruits that have calcium for your bone and muscle strength.
9. Carrots
A 100g serving of carrots has 41 calories – the perfect amount for a calorie deficit. People dip this vegetable with hummus or spreads to enhance the flavors. Low calorie vegetables are the best for dietary meals containing healthy fats.
Carrots have vitamins A, B, C, and H that may help you shed that extra body fat. B vitamins might boost your metabolism, leading to better weight loss.
10. Cauliflower
There are only 25 calories per 100g of cauliflower, making it one of the lowest calorie vegetables on your diet. You can also shred this vegetable into rice and combine that with stir fry dishes. Cauliflower is versatile and benefits any weight loss diet.
Nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and folate may hugely improve your overall health. The folate in cauliflower especially helps with cell growth and function.
11. Celery
Celery has 14 calories in each 100g serving.
Any type of vegetable that has very minimal calories is great for a snack. You can dip celery pieces into sauces or eat them with soups. Celery also contains important vitamins like A, C, and K that repair and protect your muscle cells.
12. Clementines
A 100g serving of clementines has 47 calories. Most of these nutritious calories are packed with antioxidants like vitamin C. You need plenty of vitamins to repair all body tissues after high-intensity exercise, including muscle from heavy weight training.
Clementines taste delicious in smoothies, fruit salads, and juicy desserts. Even pairing them with some rich, dark chocolate can satisfy your hunger cravings.
13. Cucumbers
Cucumbers have 15 calories per 100g portion – a tiny amount that joins the top rank of negative calorie foods. Of course, negative suggests cucumbers are made of nothing, but 15 calories will soon disappear after your body works to digest it quickly.
The high water content makes this food perfect for losing weight since it can’t disrupt your daily food intake. There’s 95.2g of water that will provide solid hydration throughout the day, so try to incorporate this zero calorie food into your diet.
14. Grapefruit
One 100g serving of grapefruit has 37 calories.
Grapefruit can support weight loss due to its fiber-rich content. Eating enough fiber will fill you up and prevent intense hunger pangs. This fruit doesn’t burn stomach fat directly, but it can stop you from snacking on foods that encourage weight gain.
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15. Grapes
There are 80 calories per 100g serving of grapes. This amount might seem high for the zero calorie foods list, but it has important nutrients for your health. Grapes are a great source of copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and iron.
Copper is a mineral that can support your immune system. Feeling good and healthy is what matters on your fitness journey, so try to have a few grapes between meals.
16. Kale
Kale only has 43 calories per the usual 100g portion.
Many dietitians will encourage using kale on your meal plan since it’s a rich source of vitamins A, K, B6, and C. You need these nutrients to maintain strong eyes, bones, and immunity. Kale goes with any food and can even be mixed with green smoothies.
17. Onion
Onion has 44 calories in every 100g serving. It is a very common vegetable you can add to most highly nutritious dinners. Vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, and potassium are naturally found in all types of onions, making them perfect for your diet.
The antioxidants in onions may also fight inflammation, eliminate damaged cells, and reduce blood sugar levels, which is excellent for improving your health.
18. Peppers
Peppers (all types) have 23 calories per 100g portion. You can snack on bell peppers throughout the day or add them to delicious lunch recipes. A low calorie vegetable like this one can aid weight loss due to the minimal fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content.
Eating bell peppers means getting calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and beta-carotene. Foods with beta-carotene are required for a strong immune system.
19. Radishes
Radishes are one of the most low calorie foods you can have on your diet. 100g of this vegetable has 14 calories. Eating one medium radish means you’re only consuming one calorie, so make sure to snack on these when you’re feeling hungry between meals.
Antioxidants are super important for preventing certain long-term diseases like cancer, macular degeneration, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and oxidative stress.
20. Strawberries
Strawberries have 36 calories per 100g serving.
This fruit is popular among people who have a sweet tooth. You can have sliced strawberries with cream-based desserts or throw them into a smoothie. Having sweet foods on your diet can prevent snacking and lead to healthy weight loss.
Sliced strawberries are also fantastic for your heart. They are packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants that lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
21. Sugar Snap Peas
Snap peas contain only 42 calories per every 100g. These types of green beans are incredibly nutritious and may benefit your overall weight loss progress. You can eat this as part of your low calorie snacks or include it with healthy dinner meals.
Vitamins A, C, B, and K can be found in sugar snap peas. Eating enough vitamin K ensures your bones are strong and don’t gradually deteriorate with age.
22. Tomatoes
100g of tomatoes have 22 calories, making it a great addition to your diet. You can cook this with vegetable dishes or snack on a few during the day for more energy.
Tomatoes have vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K1, and folate. Vitamin K1 may prevent blood clotting and strengthen your heart, bones, muscles, and connective tissue.
23. Turnips
Turnips have 28 calories per 100g serving. This root vegetable can help you lose weight due to the lower percentage of fat and carbs. You can roast turnips, steam them, boil them, or add them to mashed potatoes to bulk up your diet meals.
Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus are common minerals in turnips. Phosphorus helps in the formation of bones and teeth, especially in younger adults.
24. Watermelon
There are 30 calories in 100g of watermelon. People enjoy this as the perfect summer snack to satisfy their taste buds. This fruit is especially great for your weight loss journey since it may stop you from binge eating sugar or processed foods.
Watermelon contains magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, B6, and C. These minerals may hydrate your skin, maintain heart health, and reduce inflammation.
Zucchini has 17 calories per 100g – a great food to help you lose weight. This is an easy food to combine with delicious meals, either roasted or sprinkled with seasoning in salads. Eating it raw, however, might be too sour or bitter for a daily snack.
The minerals in zucchini, like folate, riboflavin, and thiamin, may strengthen your metabolism. A stronger metabolism can lead to more calories being burned during the day. Make sure to eat plenty of foods with riboflavin and thiamin.
Can You Eat Zero Calorie Snacks While Fasting?
Intermittent fasting requires you to eat no food during fasting periods.
Products with minimal calories may still disrupt your fat-burning process. It’s better to avoid these foods completely and stick to consuming water, black coffee, or tea with no sugar and milk. Nevertheless, zero calorie foods are an excellent choice for your eating windows.
The DoFasting app can help you plan your weight loss meals. It contains 5,000+ recipes suitable for all types of fasting methods. Even if you want to consume high calorie foods, DoFasting has everything to make your fitness journey less challenging.
You can use this app to track calories, discover weight tips, and monitor fasting periods. This should give you the motivation to eat healthy and achieve your long-term goals.
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Fruits and veggies are the best foods to eat for your diet. They have minimal calories that can’t disrupt weight loss results. Even snacking on apple slices or citrus fruits may satisfy sweet cravings. These 25 zero calorie foods won’t make you feel guilty!
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