Does Apple Cider Vinegar Break a Fast?
There are numerous beverages such as plain tea or coffee that won’t break your fast. But what about including the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar while fasting? A short answer would be – no.
It’s a fermented liquid made from apple juice that’s highly acidic. One tablespoon has approximately 3 calories, 1 gram of carbs and sugar, and 0 grams of protein and fat. This indicates, that you can take one to two tablespoons of undiluted apple cider vinegar and it won’t break your fast.
Moreover, if consuming it straight is too unpleasant, you can dilute ACV or take a dietary supplement. The fermented liquid offers several health benefits, and combining it with intermittent fasting is a great approach to improve your results.
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Why Should You Take ACV During Fasting?
As I’ve mentioned before, drinking apple cider vinegar has some advantages when combined with intermittent fasting. Let’s take a glance at what they are.
Helps you lose weight and body fat
Taking apple cider vinegar in any shape or form can boost your metabolism, reduce stored body fat, and promote weight loss. Intermittent fasting is a stand-alone, scientifically validated method of losing body fat.
As a result, even though more research might be needed, ACV combined with an intermittent fast, could enhance weight loss benefits. Apple cider vinegar also reduces fat storage.
There are many things that you might need to know when intermittent fasting. This includes your diet, types of fasts, or anything that revolves around your overall well-being and time-restricted eating.
This is why you can consider downloading the DoFasting app. The app is suitable for beginners because it’s personalized and simple to use. Fasting can be made significantly easier with all of the tips and tricks and science-backed articles you can access at any time.
Helps control appetite
Taking apple cider vinegar while fasting helps reduce hunger pangs and cravings. This is because it increases the feeling of fullness.
Hence, it will be easier to stick with longer fasting plans without feeling unmanageable hunger or cravings. It can also help to not overeat when your fasting window ends.
Improves blood sugar levels
Apple cider vinegar can reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar levels. Therefore, it can enhance blood sugar absorption and raise insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. Intermittent fasting lowers blood sugar levels, which is why ACV can be helpful to boost overall benefits.
When consumed with high-glycemic-load meals, apple cider vinegar may help lower an excessive rise in blood sugar also referred to as postprandial glycemia.
In addition, ACV includes acidic acid which can have anti-obesity properties.
May boost skin health
Even though AVC can be used directly on your skin to restore proper pH levels, it can also boost skin health internally. Apple cider vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acid and acetic acid, which have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It also includes anti-inflammatory functions.
Moreover, polyphenolic antioxidants can improve the skin’s barrier. It can fight acne and reduce hyperpigmentation.
Fasting in general aids in moisture retention and allows the skin to “breathe.” As a result, ACV can maximize these effects and keep your skin as healthy as possible.
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Possible Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar
It’s overall safe to consume ACV while intermittent fasting. However, there are some side effects that you should consider.
Slows down digestion
In some people, apple cider vinegar can slow down digestion. Hence, it might delay stomach emptying which can also affect nutrient absorption. The slow stomach-emptying process can create an appetite-suppressing effect.
Although appetite control might be useful for some, those with gastroparesis should be aware that it can worsen their symptoms. Gastroparesis is a disease that affects digestion and in which the stomach is unable to empty itself normally.
Fasting has been shown to aid digestion, and even a few hours without eating can assist in completing a full cycle in which undigested waste is moved down the digestive tract. Keeping that in mind, ACV may interfere with the benefits of intermittent fasting.
May cause nausea
Nausea can be very uncomfortable, especially when intermittent fasting. However, because apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, it might cause gastrointestinal and stomach irritation. Hence, drinking apple cider vinegar can cause nausea.
Because you’re drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach during intermittent fasting, this negative effect may be amplified. This side effect could make your fasting window even more difficult to complete.
May weaken tooth enamel
As I’ve mentioned before, apple cider vinegar is super acidic. Therefore, acid can cause erosion of tooth enamel. This mainly happens if you drink apple cider vinegar without diluting it.
Weakened enamel increases teeth sensitivity and it can even go as far as causing tooth decay and cavities.
May be incompatible with certain medications
ACV might be incompatible with certain medications. This especially applies to diabetes medications and diuretics (also called water tablets, that promote the increased production of urine).
Therefore, you must consult a certified medical professional before consuming any form of apple cider vinegar. The doctor could offer you alternatives if it turns out that ACV supplements aren’t suitable for you.
How to Consume Apple Cider Vinegar Safely
Nausea, digestive problems, or weakened tooth enamel can be avoided if you drink apple cider vinegar the safe way.
Dilute it
To avoid nausea, slow stomach emptying, or even damage to your tooth enamel – consider diluting ACV. Take 1 cup (237 ml) of plain water and add about 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
This should be the ideal dose that will not upset your stomach or create any discomfort. Moreover, it’s also recommended to take diluted apple cider vinegar before or after food during your eating hours.
Limit your consumption
Consuming large amounts of ACV for a long period of time can be dangerous even for healthy adults. This is why it is better to drink in small quantities and add no more than 1-2 tablespoons to a cup of water.
However, if you still experience severe side effects, you should take an ACV break and consult your doctor to figure out whether or not you should take apple cider vinegar at all.
Rinse your mouth afterward
Even if you simply use a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water, it can still be rather acidic. As a result, you should rinse your mouth afterward to ensure that the liquid doesn’t damage your tooth enamel.
Some even suggest drinking it through a straw or taking apple cider vinegar capsules for that matter.
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Does Apple Cider Vinegar Break a Fast: Final Considerations
When paired with intermittent fasting, consuming ACV can provide additional benefits, such as weight management or the reduction of stored body fat. Also, it will not break your fast.
However, take it with caution to avoid any negative effects.
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